Sample Test Report
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Feature Scenario Status Error
Selenium easy form demo Fill selenium easy input form passed
I am some other feature for testing tag functionality I am some testing scenario of some functionality passed
I am some other feature for testing tag functionality I am some other testing scenario with watir screenshot passed
I am some other feature for testing tag functionality I am some testing scenario with one tags of some functionality passed
I am some other feature for testing tag functionality I am scenario with more steps passed
I am some other feature for testing tag functionality I am some testing scenario with two tags of some functionality passed
I am some feature for testing some functionality I am some testing scenario of some functionality passed
I am some feature for testing some functionality I am some other testing scenario of some functionality passed
I am some feature for testing some functionality I am some testing scenario with two tags of some functionality passed
I am some feature for testing some functionality I am some testing scenario of other functionality passed
Search feature Verify search results passed
Search feature Second Verify search results failed java.lang.AssertionError: not displayed in results
Search feature Verify search results scenario outline passed
Search feature Verify search results scenario outline passed
I am some other feature for testing some functionality I am some testing scenario outline of other functionality passed
I am some other feature for testing some functionality I am some testing scenario of some functionality failed I am some error (RuntimeError)
I am some other feature for testing some functionality I am some other testing scenario of some functionality passed
I am some other feature for testing some functionality I am some testing scenario of other functionality passed
I am some other feature for testing some functionality I am some testing scenario outline of other functionality passed
I am some other feature for testing some broken functionality I am some undefined testing scenario of some functionality skipped
I am some other feature for testing some broken functionality I am some pending testing scenario of some functionality skipped TODO (Cucumber::Pending)
I am some other feature for testing some broken functionality I am some failed testing scenario of some functionality failed I am some error (RuntimeError)
I am some other feature for testing some broken functionality I am some testing scenario of some functionality passed
I am some other feature for testing some broken functionality I am some other testing scenario of some functionality passed
This is a feature with table in step I have table in one of my step passed
This is a feature with table in step I am some other testing scenario of some functionality passed
This is a feature with table in step I am some testing scenario of some functionality passed
This is a feature with table in step I am some testing scenario of other functionality failed I am some error (RuntimeError)